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Zodiac signs and Health

Zodiac  signs and Health
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Historically, however, astrology had a much greater wellness purpose. Interestingly enough, many doctors at one time used astrology as a tool to help determine the likelihood of developing a number of serious diseases. Medical astrology is one of the longest intellectua traditions.

When most people think of astrology, the daily or monthly horoscope is what usually comes to mind. Who doesn’t enjoy reading tidbits of wisdom found in entertainment magazines foretelling our future, love compatibility, and monetary status? Medical astrology, or iatromathematics, is one of the longest standing intellectual traditions, dating as far back as the field of medicine itself. Hippocrates once said, “A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.”

Nowadays, astrology has lost most of its significance in the medical world. However, research still shows the season of birth does have an influence on our health. In fact, over 200 studies have confirmed this correlation, including a large study in 2003 accounting for 86 million births from all over the world. One result of these studies shows that people born in the winter months tend to have a higher risk for schizophrenia than those born in the warmer seasons.


As research on the connection between seasonality and its effect on our bodies continues, it is becoming more apparent that medical astrology can in fact lead us to a greater understanding of our overall health and risk for disease.

Aries governs the head and brain and their ailments. They tend to overthink things to the point of headaches, tooth issues, jaw grinding, and even facial blemishes.

Venus governs over Taurus and controls the lower jaw, the throat, and insulin production. A strong Taurus gives good hearing and fine teeth, but still an openness to colds and flues. A weakened Taurus is often prone to throat infections, thyroid conditions, stiff necks, tonsillitis, and ear infections when they’re especially worried or acting stubborn.

The twins are ruled by Mercury, which deals with dual body parts (arms, legs, and so on) and the respiratory system. Therefore, a strong as well as weakened Gemini tends to attract common colds, whereas a weakened Gemini is also sensitive to flu and cough and tendonitis.

Crabs are tied to the stomach and digestive system, which is why they’re highly intuitive and emotionally charged. When they bury their feelings and don’t let go of anger or pain, the moon’s influence can lead to indigestion, intestinal maladies, and acid-reflux disease.


Leo governs the heart and the blood. They’re naturally authoritative and confident, so if anything is causing them to feel otherwise, it can invite back problems, heart ailments, and lethargy.

Virgo governs food intake and the related organs, especially the stomach and intestines. They tend to rush through things and have too much of a one-track mind. Without enough relaxation time to balance their busy schedules, ulcers, constipation, and food allergies could result.

Libra governs the food processing intestines that absorb nutrition, and the excrement. Venus has jurisdiction over Libra and controls kidney and bladder functions. Librans thrive on pleasure (both giving and receiving), but too much of one over the other can cause excretory problems.

If naturally intense Scorpios get too jealous or obsessive, or if negativity motivates their actions, Pluto can wreak havoc on their reproductive systems and hormones. Potential issues include painful and/or irregular menstruation, bladder infections, and diabetes.


Thighs, hips, liver, and eyesight can be a concern for Sagittarians, thanks to Jupiter’s dominance. Health problems range from impaired vision, spinal disorders to detoxification issues.

Capricorn governs the bones of the body, specifically the knees. Capricorns are ambitious and determined, but those characteristics can also lead to stubbornness, which then brings about fragile bones and weakened joints.

Aquarius governs the arms and legs and one's ability to move about in general. Uranus is in charge of circulation and nerve impulses among members of this sign. If Aquarians don’t take time to breathe and relax, astrologists believe their fast pace could lead to arthritis, heart problems, swollen limbs, varicose veins, asthma, and increased allergic reactions.

Pisces governs the nervous system and therefore also the reflexes. Pisces’s run the risk of disappointment because they’re so idealistic. If that disappointment becomes overwhelming, it could cause foot problems (such as corns and bunions) and a weakened immune system that leaves them vulnerable to a number of diseases.


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