Science recognizes the five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. But it does not support the claims made by those who are psychic about the existence of a sixth sense that is able to tap into the unseen and the unknown.
Blocks to ClairvoyanceA few people who are natural clairvoyants never see any evidence of their gift. When this happens, it usually means there is a blockage or an energy leak at the third eye chakra. At the bottom of this there tends to be some trauma caused by having ‘seen’ something unexpected or unpleasant.
Telepathy in historyVery few anecdotal accounts of telepathy have been noted in many ancient cultures since historical records have been kept. In the Bible, some prophets appear to have the ability to see into the future (precognition, time travel, grid travel).
10 Amazing stories of Twin telepathyAmong the many myths and mysteries surrounding twins is the idea that they share a special connection, perhaps even a supernatural ability to communicate. There are too many amazing stories of twin incidences to discount the concept.
The Stormberger PropheciesIt was on or about 1830 that Matthias Stormberger, a lowly cow herder at Rabenstein, Germany, recorded some remarkable visions of the future. This man from out of common stock gave such specific descriptions of a future world...
Twin telepathyTwins are often telepathic with each other creating these abilities when they are infants. they generally are in the same frequency at the same time and learn to communicate with words. very often it is just about a single thought - hunger.
The third eye?The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. The third eye is our ability to see what might be, to see potential.
The prophetic revelation of a jewish teenJewish 15 year old boy who had a prophetic vision during his Near Death Experience reveals what he saw. This boys vision has taken many in Israel by surprise and the information he reveals is interesting.
TelepathyTelepathy proponents point generally to controversially scientific concepts such as psychology and quantum mechanics, as areas of research that are considered to be deeply based in the scientific method.
Soulmates telepathyYou may wake up some mornings with an unexplainable feeling of rejuvenation, as if you have had a great romp in bed. You have soul traveled with your telepathic love. Telepathy is found in romantic relationships, lovers begin to sense what the other is thinking.
Was David Bowie clairvoyant?He saw where the music industry was going long before anyone else. He was a musical pioneer, thanks to his artistic blending of rock and pop and also a seemingly endless series of gender-bending personas.
ClaircognizanceClaircognizance means ‘clear-knowing’. Claircognizants ‘know’ certain things without being told. For claircognizants, their Higher self or Spirit Guides put information (in the form of thought) into their mind.
ClairsentienceClairsentience means ‘clear-feeling’. Most people use clairsentience on a daily basis. This looks like your feelings sending you intuitive guidance. Gut feelings are strong emotional responses that feel almost physical.
Clairvoyance and YogaVISUALIZATION
Meditation and ClairvoyanceTHIRD EYE
7 steps to increase Clairvoyant powerGUIDANCE
How to become ClairvoyantCLAIRVOYANCE
How It comes throughVISUALITY
What is Clairvoyance?